During its Seventh Assessment Cycle, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will produce a Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (SRCities). On September 4th and September 5th, 2024, UCCRN will host two webinar sessions bringing together representatives of global and regional urban climate change-focused networks to learn more about the report development process and opportunities to engage. IPCC WGII Co-chairs will be in attendance to provide information on IPCC processes.
This webinar specifically will provide participants with the chance to 1) understand the IPCC processes, the products of the Seventh Assessment Cycle and how these products will be produced, 2) learn how participants and their networks might be able to engage in the SRCities’ development and dissemination, and 3) find out how they can contribute climate change and cities case study materials that could be of use to SRCities’ authors as they develop their assessment.
These case studies, once curated, will be considered for inclusion in the UCCRN Case Study Atlas that is being developed in response to the demand for valuable on-the-ground evidence on how cities are being impacted by and how they are responding to climate change. UCCRN will take the lead on curating and disseminating this atlas, to be developed to support the knowledge base assessed by the authors of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities, now underway. The UCCRN Case Study Atlas will provide a foundation for city policymakers, practitioners, and civil society groups as they conduct meaningful on-the-ground urban climate solutions based on the latest science. The Case Study Atlas also seeks to reduce the gaps on information, data, and actions being implemented at the local level, particularly in the Global South.
To accommodate various time zones, UCCRN will host two webinar sessions during the following dates and times:
- Wednesday, 4 September 2024 -- 2000 UTC (16:00 EDT)
- Thursday, 5 September 2024 -- 1200 UTC (8:00 EDT)
Please register for Session a here, or Session b here.
We hope to see you there!