Launched in August 2016 in partnership with East China Normal University in Shanghai (ECNU) and the China Meteorological Administration during the first Shanghai Forum on Climate Change and Cities, the East Asian Hub is co-directed by Prof. Miu Liu at ECNU and Dr. Xiaotu Lei, Director of the Shanghai Typhoon Institute at the Chinese Meteorological Administration.
East Asia experiences several weather- and climate-related disasters every year, including flooding, high temperatures, infrequent rainfall, and typhoons. The UCCRN East Asian Hub will serve to explore further areas for risk assessment and knowledge generation in the region, especially in terms of evaluating the success of implementing adaptation and mitigation plans in East Asian cities. It will provide science to local stakeholders and facilitate the translation of UCCRN publications into regional languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and Korean. UCCRN is also working with the East Asian Hub to establish a Shanghai Panel on Climate Change based on the framework of the New York City Panel on Climate Change.
China released its Action Plan on urban climate change adaptation in February 2016, selecting 30 cities to initiate adaptation pilot projects, beginning in Fall 2016. The UCCRN East Asian Hub is planning to collaborate with a few of these city pilot projects to provide them with relevant climate science knowledge to incorporate into their plans.
Min Liu – [email protected]
Xiaotu Lei – [email protected]
Coordinator: Ruishan Chen – [email protected]