European Hub

Launched during the pre-COP21 conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change,” in July 2015, the European Hub is UCCRN’s first Regional Hub. Hosted in Paris at IEES-Paris (Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences), in partnership with the Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique (CNRS), University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), and l’Atelier International du Grand Paris, the Hub is co-directed by Dr. Chantal Pacteau at CNRS, and Prof. Luc Abbadie at UPMC.

Members of the UCCRN European Hub team

The UCCRN European Hub aims to promote integrated climate change responses based on knowledge-sharing and collaboration between European scholars, institutions, local governments, and industry while acknowledging the richness and diversity of Europe’s scientists and practitioners. Local and specific solutions are recognized as foundations for lasting solutions. The European Hub will organize workshops to set a research and coordination agenda of the highest priority climate change issues that European cities face. Additionally, the Hub is looking to translate and publish the ARC3.2 Summary for Leaders in French and in Italian.

The European Hub has been able to solidify a core group of partners that include Paris City Hall, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris (IEES), Paris Climate Agency (APC), Regional Agency for Nature and Biodiversity (Naturparif), and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE).


• Dr. Chantal Pacteau Senior Research Scientist Institute of Ecology and Environment of CNRS, France 

• Pr. Luc Abbadie Professor of Ecology Director, Environmental Transition Institute of Sorbonne University, France 

• Pr. Mattia Leone Associate Professor in Building Technology and Environmental Design University of Naples Federico II - Department of Architecture (DiARC), Italy 

General Contact 

• Jean-Jacques Perrier E-mail:


For more information on the UCCRN European Hub, please visit their website